• This is our most popular format and is used at our main events (eg. WCT national Championships, WCT4, WCT5 etc.).
  • It is a team format that is played by two teams of up to 6 athletes.
  • Each match is the best of 16 Chases.
  • Each Chase is 20 seconds long with one Chaser and one Evader.
  • There is a 25 second Rest Period between Chases.
  • The winning athlete in each Chase stays on as the Evader for the next Chase.
  • A team is awarded one point for each Evasion they make (I.e. when the Evader lasts 20 seconds without getting caught).
  • Tags must be made with the hand (I.e. NOT the foot).
  • If an athlete steps out of bounds, they lose that Chase.
  • If a match ends in a draw, it goes to a Sudden Death Chase-Off.


  • A Sudden Death Chase-Off consists of two 20 second Chases where each team gets to Evade.
  • The team that gets the longest Evasion Time wins.
  • The 25 second rest period between Chases does not apply during Sudden Death and teams have up to 3 minutes to decide which athlete to send out.
  • The Evading team must send out their athlete first.
  • If a winner is not decided after one round of Sudden Death (for example, if both Chases end in an Evasion), the process is repeated.


EQ (EVASION QUALITY) - A hypothetical value representing how much protection an obstacle (or area on the Quad) provides for the Evader. The higher the EQ, the more the protection (Jason Matten).

HERDING - A technique used by the Chaser to corral the Evader into areas of the Quad that will make it easier to make a Tag (Marrero Gang).

REVERSE HERDING - A technique used by the Evader to draw the Chaser into areas on the Quad that are harder to make a Tag (Marrero Gang).

PINCH POINT - Areas on the Quad where the Evader has limited options to escape (Marrero Gang).

IDLING - A technique used by the Evader to hide behind a high EQ obstacle and waste the Chasers time / run down the clock while expending the least amount of energy (Marrero Gang).

SPIKE - A Chase that lasts less than 5 seconds (Jason Matten).

CENTRE CONTROL - A technique used by the Chaser to regain control of centre of the Quad after an attempted Tag (Marrero Gang).

THREADING - Diving or sliding though a tight space on the Quad, like through the Ridge or Loading Bay

TAILING - A technique used by the Chaser where they follow the same path as the Evader (generally considered an inferior strategy).

BENNY HILL - When the Chaser runs round and round the same (usually high EQ) obstacle to try to catch the Evader (generally done by inexperienced athletes). More experienced athletes will look to FLUSH the Chaser out of high EQ areas quickly and efficiently.

QUAD - The playing area (in the UK, the old-school name for a playground is a quad).

GUAC-TRACK - A route first used by Xavia Rodriguez Alvarez where the Evader goes from the Sisters, to the Mountain, to the Loading Bay without touching the ground.

EVASION RATIO - The percentage of Chases that end in an Evasion.

CHASE TAG® - The one-on-one format of competitive tag with 20 second Chases involving one Chaser and one Evader.

Chase Tag® is the name of a proprietary sport founded on the game of tag, involving Chasers and Evaders. To make the game finite, fast and competitive, the proprietary sport of Chase Tag® divides the game into timed chases, where the Evader scores each time a Chaser fails to make a successful touch within a chase.

To make the sport more spectator-friendly and entertaining, the proprietary sport of Chase Tag® speeds up and simplifies the sport by: (1) confining the chasing to be within a court (called a 'quad'), (2) limiting the maximum time of each chase and terminating a Chase immediately upon a touch or the exiting of the quad by either the Chaser or the Evader, (3) having only one Chaser and one Evader in each Chase, (4) having only two teams in a match and (5) scoring only for evasions but not timing (except during a Sudden Death Chase-Off).

More details of the Rules of World Chase Tag® are given above.  Full details are sent to all our athletes before our formal competitions.  If you want further details, you can send us a request, together with your name, address and email address.  All of our Rules are copyright 2014-2024.